Thread: OT: About books
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Old 04-14-2017, 07:10 AM
.45cultist .45cultist is offline
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Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b View Post
USED to be legal -- the right of secession was, in fact, written into the US Constitution. A later amendment (after the Civil War) negated that right.

The Civil War is essentially a purely historical issue for me, especially since my BA is in History with a concentration in Military History. I'm a military brat with a Croatian mother and a biological father whose family is from Massachusetts, and a stepmonster from Arkansas. I'm basically a typical mutt American.
Also an 1869 Supreme Court case where some Texans advocated not signing the treaty to remain in the Union. My Interest stem from an ancestor in Canada who got a draft notice right after his citizen papers. He traveled with his father when one turned their corn to whiskey and sold it in New Orleans and fell in love with the mid-west. I look at this for Morrow Project economics as well.
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