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Old 08-01-2017, 06:28 AM
tsofian tsofian is offline
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Default Nuke, Nuke, who has the Nuke

Maybe Krell didn't bring the nuke, maybe it was Prime Base that did it!

We know in cannon that The Project has nuclear explosives. I'd say from a weapon's handling standpoint the weapons will be stored someplace very secure (like Prime Base) and very few people will have to codes to allow arming and detonation (like the PD and perhaps a few other folks)

We know that at some point the base knew it was dying and that it was surrounded by enemies, enemies who had infect an entire refugee population with a disease and were using that also dying population as a shield.

What could be done to save the base, wipe a large number of bad guys out of the equation and end the horrible suffering of the infected people, who will be murdered or enslaved by evil if they survive the disease?

Pop a nuke!

Wipes out the bad guys and may even convince them the base is DEAD, especially if no transmissions come from it in the next few years.

Since the device is pure fusion there won't be much fall out, so that won't be an issue for teams coming back to try and save the base.

Mostly just kidding, but it could work!
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