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Old 10-12-2017, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
We're really quite spoiled, compared to the original T2K writers, with our easy access to information on the interwebs.
At least once a month I try to do something the old ways. With paper and books and legwork.

Like yesterday my sister wanted to know how far away her sister in law's family was from the California Wild fires. I listened to the nightly news for reports on where the fires were and mapped them out on a road atlas and figured she was about 60 miles from the nearest fire. Had to wait for information and draw on acetate sheets and use a ruler, but I got it done.

Post North Korean EMP attack I will still be able to function for odd research projects

I probably Could have done the same on the internet in about 45 seconds, but once in a while it is good to see just how far we have come.
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