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Old 10-26-2017, 08:45 AM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
Keep in mind that frontal armor numbers dont tell the whole tale - i.e. just because you cant penetrate the frontal armor doesnt mean that you cant engage the tank successfully - thats why many tanks that are successfully engaged with anti-tank missiles are hit on the side or the rear or go for the bogies and tracks. Blow the track off a tank and its not going anywhere - still deadly but only within the radius of its gun and only for so long.

And if you look at the armor that was left in the US there were a lot of tanks that at HOT-1 could definitely engage - i.e. older M48 and M60 tanks

and the MILAN would be definitely useful against Bradley's, M8's and Stingrays

I am thinking of a mix of MILAN and HOT-1 missiles for the Mexicans being fired from VBL and VCR vehicles and them finding out very quickly that you had better not shoot for the frontal armor if you want to stay alive
MILAN and HOT-1 can engage lighter U.S. military vehicles and older tanks, but not the Abrams. I know a tank can be hit from the rear or sides, but if the Mexicans were successfully able to disable M1 and M1A1 tanks that way it would imply that U.S. forces were tactically inept i.e. tanks charging in without any following infantry support and walking into ambushes.
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