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Old 10-26-2017, 02:55 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

FYI - the more I think about it the more it looks like the canon authors went out of their way to make sure that the Mexican invasion succeeded no matter what - i.e. moving the two divisions that had the best chance to stop it cold out of CA and TX, having the two training tank brigades that had enough tank firepower and experience to blow the Mexican Army away never really engage the Mexicans (i.e. one entered Texas but only to fight the Texian Legion - which they supposedly all but destroyed but then rebuilt enough to wipe out the 85th the following year), having Soviet Division Cuba join the fun because otherwise there was no way the Mexicans could have held the 49th, etc..

i.e. its way too many things going their way - and then having HW have the 90th Corps and the 40th fall apart?

sorry but frankly why are they so dead set on having the US lose the Southwest and Texas that it appears they went way way out of their way to have the Mexican invasion succeed as they did (and then the US never come to take it back even 300 years later)

I mean you can have a US that doesnt want to be a global superpower anymore without having them be reduced to a country so weak that they literally get pushed around by Mexico to where they never try to take back parts of their country that had been theirs for a 150 years and refuse to support their own people when they rebel to try to take back CA and AZ

Was someone that up for being able to play as a character who used to serve in the Texas Space Navy in 2300AD?
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