Thread: PBEM Game?
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Old 11-28-2017, 06:11 PM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Default GT One, Part 3

March 16, 1988
Morrow Industries Pajaro Lake Training Center

Recon Team 34 was awakened at 0600 hours and enjoyed a nice breakfast in the mess hall. Several other members of Cohort 60 and base staff, stopped by and gave handshakes, hugs and best wishes. For today would be the day that Recon 34 would report to Building 17 and prepare for cryogenic freeze,
After breakfast, the team cleared its barracks and loaded their gear onto a couple of pickups that would transfer their gear to Building 17. Project tradition had the team walk after the trucks.

As the team files through the personnel door, they see Kathleen Drummond and Doctor Felix Canfield, the Project’s leading expert on the freezing process. Under their oversight, the attending medics direct the team members to their freezer tubes, where they are directed to remove their clothing and stow their personal equipment in the locker at the foot of the tube. Using their Morrow Project ID Card, each member secured their locker and then donned the paper underwear that waited for them.

As each person finishes, the medic starts taping monitor pads to their head and arms, shock pads to their chests and prep IV stints into each arm.
When the last of the team finishes, Doctor Canfield steps forward.

“You have each been briefed on the cryogenic process and each you have undergone one week in freeze to give you an idea of the side effects of the process. But please allow me to recap for you.”

“When you recline in your chamber, the medics will complete the hooking up of the electrical and IV lines. You will don the face mask and you will then commence breathing a mix of oxygen and the preserver gas. When your body has achieved the proper blood/gas chemistry, you will close your eyes and the chamber lids will be lowered.”

“Once the lids have been locked down, your chamber will be flooded with bio-gel, this material will insulate your bodies from the electro-magnetic field that preserves the bolthole. During this process, you will simply go to sleep.”

“You will remain in this facility for the next twenty-four hours as final system checks are completed. Once you have passed these checks, your freeze chambers will be transported to your bolthole location and you will be locked into place until the recall signal has been received from Prime Base.”

After Doctor Canfield steps back, Kathleen Drummond steps forward.

“There is not much to say, expect thank you for being part of the Project. Until we meet again, Good Luck!”

Each team member is assisted into the pad inside the freeze chamber, the medical assistant completes the hooking up of the various leads and IV points. Then each member inserts their MPID into the slot on the side of the chamber. The medical assistant then runs a diagnostic and then steps back as each chamber signals green.

Doctor Canfield then moves towards the first chamber, and personally double-checks each monitor and IV feed, then he checks the diagnostic one last time and activates the start up sequence.

As the lid of each freeze chamber slowly lowers and as the drugs start to check, each member of Recon 34 hears the old man mutter, “Go With God My Children.”
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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