Thread: PBEM Game?
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Old 11-28-2017, 06:14 PM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Default GT One, Part 4

March 20, 1988
Recon Team 34 Bolthole

Sam Londale steps back as the bulldozer pushes another load of gravel and clay into position. With this last load of backfill, another eight hours to finish camouflage the dig will see this job done, he thought. Another four months of this then he will join his training cohort and a year later, it will be his turn to be buried, waiting for the nuclear war…..

September 1st , 1996
For eight years, the seasons have passed, only wild animals and the occasional hunter or camper has disturbed this forest glade.
The bolthole slumbers on.

Then one fine afternoon, the bolthole sensors report the ground shocks of repeated nuclear weapon strikes, but nothing threatens the bolthole integrity. Messages from Prime Base are received via the ELF receiver ordering a continuation of the cyrogenic freeze.

The bolthole computer continues to monitor its sleeping guests.
Outside, the skies turned blood red with the firestorms that repeated nuclear strikes had unleashed. Millions were killed in the hellfire. But to add to the misery of the survivors, it was soon discovered that dozens of warheads were loaded with biological warheads that contained virulent man-made diseases that decimated the population while leaving buildings and material intact.

As the days rolled on, the lingering radiation and lethal diseases took their brutal toll. As the dead piled up, civilization collapsed. With the destruction of the transportation systems, food and medicine became scarce. Famine stalked the land, slaying millions more. Within six months, some 90% of the world’s population was dead.

And still the bolthole waited for its orders, guarding its sleepers.

Years passed and the land slowly started to regrow.

Decades passed.

Over the years, the bolthole’s computer has run diagnostic check after check, all reporting normal operations. Until, finally, one check reports an problem. The computer runs additional checks and confirms that a freeze chamber is operating very near the failure level. The computer’s decision is to start the recall process.

You are now awakening from your slumber and the first thing you see is the top of your individual cryogenic tube opening………

Victor took a deep breath as his cryogenic tube fully opened. For a brief moment, he was unsure where he was, but that passed when he looked to his left and right and saw the other cryogenic tubes. "Morrow... si," he thought to himself as his wits returned to him.

Rios took a moment in the tube to stretch his arms above him, before trying to sit up. Getting the blood moving a bit seemed wise. Satisfied that his arms worked, he sat up, paused briefly, then turned, letting his legs swing out and off the cryobed he'd been resting in.

"Everyone up? Everyone good?" he asked the room.

Peter wakes from his sleep. The top of the tube is up, and light strikes his eyes for the first time in….how long??

It is time to get to work. Peter removes the electrodes from his skin, gets out of the cryo tube.

The first thing Peter gets is his medical kit. He pushes the scan button and looks at his own physical readout. Not TOO bad. 112 over 68. A little high on that bottom number, but time, food, liquids and general activity will bring every thing back to normal.

“Ok ladies and gents, it is sick call. Does any one have any problems right now. I will check every one as soon as I can, but I need to know if there are any immediate issues that need my attention.”

Daniel Chin pulls off the face mask and leans over the side of the freeze chamber, he spits a mouthful of blue fluid out onto the floor and with a trembling hand, wipes blue gel off his face…

“Jeez, I don’t remember feeling this bad after the test freeze!”

“Don’t you remember the lecture? Doctor Canfield was quite specific that extended lengths of freeze do cause dehydration, muscle aches as well as nausea, you really must do your homework!” quipped Amanda Wesley, the auburn haired Anglo-Canadian as she used a pack of wipes to clean off most of the gel residue.

Danny’s response was a heartfelt upraised middle-finger.

Amanda smirked as she used her MPID to unlock the locker at the end of the chamber. She pulled out shrink-wrapped underwear and tore the packet open and started slipping the contents on. She then pulled out her BDUs and pulls on her pants, socks and tee-shirt and then dons her combat boots. She pauses as she sees a folded piece of paper, she opens it and reads…
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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