Thread: Netherlands OOB
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Old 03-16-2018, 08:38 AM
lordroel lordroel is offline
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Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
Interesting place I read about today - BAIV (British American Infantry Vehicles) BV - its a company in Maarheeze (close to Eindhoven) that supplies, restores and serves historic WW2 Armored Vehicles & Tanks. Its got a fully equipped workshop and was started in the early 90's by a bunch of old vehicle collectors as a place they could work on vehicles together before becoming a for profit business around 2002.

Could be an interesting place for players doing a campaign in the Netherlands to go to for either spare parts, tools or working vehicles - and its exactly the kind of place that would have been overlooked. Among other things they had old jeeps, trucks and even a fully restored and working Comet tank that has a live barrel - and that was in that condition in the mid-90s. Alternatively it could be a way to introduce some interesting vehicles into an encounter if you are running French characters and have them run into either marauders or Dutch resistance.
Eindhoven would be under French occupation, its also the location of the DAF factory.
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