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Old 03-23-2018, 07:48 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
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Originally Posted by ArmySGT. View Post
A waste of resources. WW2 tanks are obsolete even in T2K. Only the few machines from the 1960 onward show any promise and those are still a drain on resources without the parts to run them, without mechanics that can service them, and without crews trained to operate them.

The machine shop is no more or less equipped than any shop built to service heavy industrial earth moving equipment. The proximity of the shop to San Francisco and the pasting the Navy fleet yards have taken from nuclear weapons makes doubtful the personnel from there are alive or there is power to operate anything.

It is murder to send people out to fight in the year 2000 with a tank that was rendered obsolete in 1944 by the weapons of that time.

Actually it isnt - considering the fact that the Mexican Army probably by 2001 has used almost every anti-tank weapon they had a WWII Sherman tank is probably very effective - especially against infantry armed with just rifles - they were very effective against German and Italian infantry that tried to fight them without anti-tank weapons so they will just as well in 2001

As for obsolete - tell that to the Israeli's - they used Shermans until the late 70's and they did very well with them - and Littlefield had a lot more than just old Shermans - he had armor from the 1950's and 60's - including two fully operational M60 tanks with live barrels, a Conqueror with a live barrel as well that was fully operational, a M50 modernized Israeli Sherman, one M47 Patton, and a Centurion Mk13 - again all fully operational and all with live barrels - by my count that's at least six tanks that would still be effective on a modern battlefield - especially against a Mexican Army whose best armored vehicles were from that same era - they werent taking on T-80's at the Fulda Gap

as for its location - sorry but no nuclear blasts anywhere near it - you might want to look at the canon nuke locations - its in the mountains between Santa Cruz and San Jose - they would have had to hit San Francisco with a 25 megaton ground pounder to even possibly affect it - and they didnt - the city is still there - Littlefields depot is fine and dandy - and the perfect place to bring those Bradley's, M1A1 and M109's that need to be repaired

Also - he had a complete tank repair facility including the equipment and welders to do armor welding - which is a hell of a lot more than just a facility that can repair heavy earth moving equipment - I know I used to work at BAE and the kind of equipment he had was every bit as good as what we were using for repairing armored vehicles that came in with battle damage - or that we used to make brand new M88A2's for Iraq - he could and did take beat to hell tanks that looked like they were one step from the scrapyard and make them into fully restored and operational tanks - and your average heavy earth moving repair shop couldnt even begin to do that

Last edited by Olefin; 03-23-2018 at 08:23 PM.