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Old 10-16-2018, 06:21 PM
gamerguy gamerguy is offline
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Posts: 59

I have not analyzed this in the level you guys have but just throwing this out there. You may have addressed it and I am blind, please don't point and laugh.

I would think there would be a period where large numbers of potential team members participate in a shared exercise. They would be regularly rotated between potential team match ups until it becomes obvious who works well with who. Since the objective is a mix of skills and specializations the temporary teams would be made up of complementary individuals so no total random mix would be done. Nor would a, let the members build their own groups, approach be suitable either. I assume the potential mixes would be determined by analysis of interviews, aptitude tests and observations but would it not make sense to have a period (as long as any other IMHO) to see or allow organic teams to potentially gel for themselves?

Of course while this is being done there is valid training being done, ideally of a joint "learn your place/duties" sort.
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