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Old 12-10-2018, 09:02 AM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Double checking my work, i found a rotational component I had not accounted for which moved both TN-6 and TN-7 south, to location similar to where Nuke11 places them. So I took the opportunity to trace out the boundary of Nellis AFB Range and place the bolt hole, Spencer and Carson Wells. I used the topographical information in Google Earth to trace the Nellis AFB Range and correlated it to the top of the module map to eyeball the locations of the others. The result of that is the attached picture. It is clear that the writers and designers took some liberties with the location of Nellis AFB or did not have an accurate mapping of the area. But from the locations and topographical clues we have, the team bolt hole has to be in the Nellis AFB restricted area, meaning they come right out into a mine field. Carson Wells maps very well atop an actual ghost town, Cedar Pipeline Ranch. Spencer is described as a mining town. In the one valley that 375 passes through there are a number of old mines and mine shafts. I picked a central location that seemed to agree favorable with the top data. I don't think I will revisit this map again, but it was fun to play with.
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