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Old 02-19-2019, 07:41 AM
Desert Mariner Desert Mariner is offline
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
Overall, I think it's a really bad idea to switch gear on teams if they haven't been trained on the new equipment. Unless you are specifically making it part of the gameplay to mess around with PCs or even as a storyline plot for some NPCs, I feel that the Project would not be so enamoured of new gear that they would upgrade a team's gear without the team having the training to use it. I like to believe the Project wasn't that dumb - but that's just me!
I just reread the 3e Introduction, the end of the 2nd paragraph address this directly...

"In 1987, the Project carried out a complete updating of all previously "stored" equipment, opening the buried and sealed chambers of the sleepers without waking them and leaving behind new equipment, vehicles, and the instruction manuals on how to operate them."

In the 4e About the Morrow Project section (page 190), the 2nd paragraph takes this a bit further…

“In 1987 and on two additional occasions, the Project carried out a complete updating of all the previously “stored” equipment. The first time by opening the buried and sealed chambers of the sleepers without waking them and leaving behind new equipment, vehicles, and the instruction manuals on how to operate them. The second and third time things were done differently because of operational and security concerns. On these subsequent updates new caches were buried and the location was transmitted to the bolt-hole computer using references to existing cache locations.”

Note that the subsequent changes mentioned above took place in 1999 and 2013, per The War of 2017 on page 278.

So, it does appear the authors intended to throw some initial confusion into the mix regarding equipment operation.
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