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Old 03-22-2019, 12:12 AM
Gelrir Gelrir is offline
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Originally Posted by Ash247 View Post
Venting shouldn't be that much of a problem, Morrow normally just use Nitrogen to store their bases. So to make it breathable you just have to add Oxygen to make a 80(nitrogen)/20(oxygen) mix
It's certainly nitrogen in our local campaign; but I don't imagine the base is sealed with negative pressure (which invites infiltration of gases through any cracks or bad seals). So, some nitrogen has to be removed to keep the air pressure from increasing.

The base might have an "oxygen remover" as part of the environmental system -- it can thus "self-store", instead of requiring vast amounts of nitrogen to be provided every time it's opened for re-stocking. Perhaps before the Atomic War there was a terminal connection aboveground, as part of the now-missing elevator, to suppress the "pump in oxygen" reflex.

I was more impressed/concerned about the speed with which the base transformed from "static/inactive" to "ready to walk around in".


I suppose the excess nitrogen could be vented underwater (it is a coastal base, after all).

Michael B.
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