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Old 12-29-2019, 04:20 PM
Vespers War Vespers War is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 515

Using pages 20-21 of FFS, Tr Mov is 2x top speed for pavement^, with off-road varying (it's 0.8x for cross-country wheeled, 0.4x for standard wheeled, 0.2x for restricted wheeled, and varies by power/weight ratio for tracked vehicles). Com Mov is top speed times 0.463 or Tr Mov times 0.926. So, a cross-country wheeled vehicle with a top speed of 100 km/h has Tr Mov 200/80 and Com Mov 46/19 (46.3/18.52, rounded to the nearest).

For my own work, I've added a TL modifier to Tr Mov to account for cruising speeds being relatively lower compared to top speeds, poorer road conditions, and vehicles needing more time for maintenance during use (refilling a radiator with water, cooling the engine/brakes, lubrication, etc). For TL 4 (1910) it's 0.5, increasing to 0.6 at TL 5 (1930), 0.7 at TL 6 (1950), 0.75 at TL 7 (1970), 0.8 at TL 8 (1990), 0.85 at TL 9 (2000), and 0.9 at TL 10 (near-future).

^Officially, Com Mov is calculated first (at 0.463 * maximum speed in km/h), then Tr Mov is calculated as 4.32 * Com Mov. Since 0.463 * 4.32 = 2.00016, Tr Mov is just barely over 2 times the maximum speed and I round for convenience.
The poster formerly known as The Dark

The Vespers War - Ninety years before the Twilight War, there was the Vespers War.
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