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Old 02-19-2020, 05:00 PM
Vespers War Vespers War is online now
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Originally Posted by swaghauler View Post
My issue with the 10D6 rating is that most 00 buckshot loadings are 9-pellet or 8-pellet loads for standard pressure loadings and 12-pellet loadings for 2.75" Magnum Loadings. 3" Magnum loads run up to 15 pellets and 3.5" hulls will have up to 18 pellets in them (the same as 10 gauge loads).
I don't have an issue with this because at close range, they're treated as a single round, while at medium range they're immediately reduced to 7 dice. If you really wanted to, you could treat 12 and 15 pellet loadings as 15-shot bursts (which would get reduced to 10 at medium range) and 18 pellet loadings as 20-shot bursts (reduced to 14 at medium range). All of that's using the Dice Lost Per Range Band Beyond Short on page 203 of v2.2.

Just a word of warning about the RAW Initiative/Actions system. You will need DOZENS of D20s and drive yourself crazy running the RAW rules where a person can fire ALL FIVE shots (OR EVEN FIVE BURSTS) at once during their turn. Also, Initiative 6 and 5 PCs will be able to wipe out ENTIRE SQUADS on their turns using Burst Fire.
Characters doing an ammo dump with a shotgun are going to hit a ton of penalties and not much else. If someone with STR 10 fires a Semiautomatic Shotgun all five times in a single fire action, they've got 5 points of recoil penalty. Each of their bursts is reduced from 10D20 to 7D20 by range, and to -3D20 by recoil penalty ("each shot is treated as a 10-round burst using the automatic fire rules, including the reduction of dice rolled for hits for recoil and range"). At best, they can fire three shots each at 7D20, since 4 shots would reduce each shot to 3d20. Someone with a more average STR 6 can fire two shots at 7D20 or three shots each at 1D20. You'd need someone with STR 12 (roll 12 on 2d6 and use two Secondary Skills on Weight Lifting) to be able to fire all five shots at 1d20 per shot. For all of these, the first shot might be Difficult (at skill level) if an Aim action was previously taken; all other shots will be Formidable (1/2 skill level).

All of the shotguns (other than the CAW) in Infantry Weapons are even worse, because they're Recoil 4 or 5 instead of the 3 of the Semiautomatic in the core rules. You might get off two shots in a fire action with those without eliminating all of the dice through range and recoil penalties.
The poster formerly known as The Dark

The Vespers War - Ninety years before the Twilight War, there was the Vespers War.
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