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Old 02-20-2020, 05:29 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Default A Skill-Based Outstanding Success & Catastrophic Failure Rule

Instead of just using a flat "10 under your roll equals Outstanding Success" I am now using a system based on the PCs' RAW Skill Levels to determine it. Why? My players pointed out that somebody with little or no raw skill (a level 1 or 0 skill level) but with a high attribute to add to that limited skill could have the same chance of achieving Outstanding Success as someone who was highly skilled but possessed a low attribute score. They questioned why a highly skilled player should have the same chance for success as a poorly trained person with a high attribute. Since this IS a game, and by extension meant to be fun, I am continuing with the base [Skill + Attribute] for a basic success. I did decide, however, that there is NO REASON why an Outstanding Success could reflect a higher skill level. So I began using this system...

The Outstanding Success Rule:

Whenever a PC rolls a Skill Test and the result is Equal To or Less than the Pc's BASE SKILL LEVEL without their Attribute (the 1 to 10 Skill Level score), an Outstanding Success has occurred. Like in the RAW rules, it is up to the GM if an Outstanding Success is even available or not. In addition, the Outstanding Success chance is modified by the Skill Task Difficulty Level. The modifiers are the same for the Skill check. in other words...

- an EASY Task is [Skill X 2] or 10 for a Skill Level of 5.
- a ROUTINE Task is [Skill X 1.5] or 7 for a Skill Level of 5.
- an AVERAGE Task is [Skill] or 5 for a Skill Level of 5.
- a DIFFICULT Task is [Skill X 0.5] or 2 for a Skill Level of 5 (with no Outstanding Success possible with a Skill Level less than 2).
- a FORMIDABLE Task is [Skill X 0.25] or 1 for a Skill Level of 5 (with no Outstanding Success possible with a Skill Level less than 4).
- an IMPOSSIBLE Task is [Skill X 0.1] or NO CHANCE for a Skill Level of 5 (with Outstanding Success only possible at a Skill Level of 10).

I am now using the Outstanding Success level to introduce Special Combat Maneuvers like those found in Mythras/Legend and for the execution of Special Techniques like the Aikido Joint-Lock maneuvers that let you stack up controlling hits WHILE inflicting damage to an opponent.

Exceptional Success:

This is an added "step" in the Skill Success tier/tree that I have added. It can be considered like a "Critical Hit" in Runequest (where Outstanding Success would be like the Impale Special Success in that system). Exceptional Success allows me to "segregate" Special Maneuvers & Techniques into a lower-powered tier and higher-powered tier. Exceptional Success is HALF of the PC's BASE SKILL LEVEL (ie a 5 Base Skill Level would score an Exceptional Success on a roll of 2 or less on an AVERAGE task). Exceptional Success is also modified by the Task's Difficulty Level.


Since I was making Outstanding Success Skill-based, I change Catastrophic Failure too. It too is now split into TWO TIERS. The first tier is a Complication. This is a mishap that may or may not occur at the GM's discretion. A mechanic attempting to repair a farmer's tractor may break another component during the attempted repair. Complications are figured differently from Outstanding Success though. A Complication occurs if the roll is [5 + the SKILL LEVEL] OVER the chance of success for the test. So if that PC fixing the farmer's tractor had Mechanics 5 and STR 6, his chance of success is 11 or less on an AVERAGE task. The chance of a Complication would be 21 [5 + a 5 Skill Level added to 11]. IF the task is DIFFICULT (a roll of 6 or less on 1D20 in my game), the chance of a Complication occurring is 16 or higher on that D20 roll.

Catastrophic Failure:

Catastrophic Failure is the worst tier and would represent explosions, crashes, and irreparably damaged equipment. It occurs only on a roll of [10 + the SKILL LEVEL] over the chance of success. Thus, the mechanic above would see a Catastrophic Failure only on a FORMIDABLE Task (a roll of 3 or less in my game) and only when they rolled an 18 or higher.

Overall, this system has been well received by my players and they LOVE the Special Combat Moves (like Trip, Overextend, and Outmaneuver) and the implementation of Special Techniques in HTH.
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