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Old 06-11-2020, 12:44 AM
wolffhound79 wolffhound79 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 81

The new america plot line we havent reached yet, however I have used the makato computer company (Im sure I got the name wrong) from the kidnapped book, as a company my players have come across to complete a mission and at the same time accidentally find the access to the underground bunker. As a result the players are always looking for hidden doors now LOL.

Im going to have to take a look at rooks gambit, thank you for the info.

The end result I was looking at for this special goverment group was to gather the equipment and resources necessary to luanch a prewar satelite into space to better conduct there actions. I havent decided what that is yet, this group could be trying to help rebuild, help with reuniting the milgoc civgoc split, or possibly takeover and run the country themselves.
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