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Old 07-20-2020, 02:40 PM
Ewan Ewan is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 152

I think when GDW released Traveller 2300 (as it was originally called) they tried to capture players of Traveller (hence the Traveller in the name) and Twilight 2000.

It ended up a bit confusing as the rules had nothing at all to do with the original Traveller game and while it was the world of Twilight 2000 three hundred years in the future it gave some strange alliances and power blocs (as mentioned in previous posts).

GDW released a revised edition within two or three years of the original version coming out and renamed it 2300AD to solve part of the confusion.

When I played Twilight 2000 and 2300AD back in the 80s I was not really interested in the backstory of 2300.

Hopefully the new edition of Twilight 2000 will not silly plot lines because it sounds cool or is in vogue at the moment.
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