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Old 08-18-2020, 10:38 PM
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Raellus Raellus is offline
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Default Spasibo

Thanks for cross-posting these here, Chalk. When I was a kid first getting into T2k, I wouldn't give Soviet/WTO-made vehicles a second look. My thinking has changed quite a bit since then. Although I'd still take most NATO AFVs over their Soviet/WTO equivalents, I no longer turn up my nose at all ComBloc gear. I've grown quite fond of the former DDR BTR-80 in the PbP I play in, for example.

Some of the mods in the entries you posted make the vehicles to which they've been added more attractive options.

I think Soviet AFVs would suffer disproportionate losses early in the war, when NATO's technological edge was still sharp, but later in the war, I think the relative simplicity and durability of Soviet vehicles would give them a slight advantage over the high tech-dependent NATO vehicles.

Author of Twilight 2000 adventure modules, Rook's Gambit and The Poisoned Chalice, the campaign sourcebook, Korean Peninsula, the gear-book, Baltic Boats, and the co-author of Tara Romaneasca, a campaign sourcebook for Romania, all available for purchase on DriveThruRPG:
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