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Old 08-19-2020, 12:36 PM
Posts: n/a

So at this point, because of all the hate speech over in the discord channel (plus Olefin, who has greatly benefited by comparison) , I have so many of you on the ignore list that I have no idea what some of these threads are actually actually about. So I maybe I'm flying blind here, but I'm an American, so f*cksgiven zero, I'm posting!!!

You guys who say you aren't going to support this - come on; really think about this! Maybe there are some nugget to mine (Base rules? What if there's a unicorn gun Paul doesn't have!?).

I haven't played a Twilight 2K game in 10 years that uses basic load + $,$$$ per year of service - they have all used 'anything you can can carry, up to maximum load' for personal gear. That nugget came from 2013!!

What if all of your IRL friends get this version? You are gonna want to participate (ok, so that presumes you have IRL friends but you deserve the benefit of the doubt you Grognards!!). A lot of you like to hate on stuff (you know who you are) - how can you hate on something you don't have!? Buy it for that reason if nothing else animates you!

The truth is - for almost two decades, I've had to get my RPG fix online. I move around a lot and until very very recently, it was hard to find RPG players. Now, people are playing 5e in hordes. Sure, it's small batch, hand crafted, hipster RPGing or whatever, but it's happening. People are coming out of the woodwork for it. We, the TW2K enthusiast, have a window of opportunity (maybe small or maybe large) to introduce them to Twilight 2000. Now we have a new product to do it with!

Be honest with yourselves, these new RPers are not going to learn:

Actual Twilight 2.2 version formula provided above

They just aren't. And that's ok. That formula isn't Twilight 2000. The setting, the feeling... that's Twilight 2000.

Twilight 2000 is 30% your gun is X, or Y, or Z and 70%, 'you have only 3 magazines remaining....'.

I have absolute faith that any of you can run an authentic Twilight 2000 with what Free League will provide us.

Come on in for the big win! The last time we had this was what, May 2009, when 2013 was released? We've waited 11 years for this!

Maybe you love it, maybe you hate it. But if you sign on, you'll get a chance to help improve it.

When I was living in Arlington, Jason had a listing for a Twilight 2000 group meeting in Fairfax. I almost went to one - So close. But I had something else to do. I kinda always regretted not making time for that. Then I moved to a wasteland of RPGing where no one knew what Twilight 2K was.

Carpe Diem! Now is the time. This may or may not take off like 5e, but we wont get another chance anytime soon!
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