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Old 08-19-2020, 04:10 PM
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Tegyrius Tegyrius is offline
This Sourcebook Kills Fascists
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by Spartan-117 View Post
Because, otherwise, you know, IGNORE LIST.
Doesn't that feature just enhance your enjoyment of this forum like nothing else short of bourbon? I may need to use it a little more than I currently do.

Too bad it doesn't work on quotes.

Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
What, a superb set of character generation rules (best I’ve seen in any version), a stand out gear list and different levels of crunchiness dependent on taste? And let's not forget the advantages / disadvantages table - that was pure genius. I’d love a repeat of that. Sure, the timeline had its weaknesses, but timeline can easily be replaced, rules not so much (I ran a game using V1 timeline and 2013 rules - worked a treat)

Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
Some of the comments I’ve seen about the new version kind of remind me of when 2013 was a new thing and some people just wanted it to fail regardless because it was something new and / or it didn’t mesh with their established view of what T2K should be. I also see a fair bit of bashing before anything substantial has been published (e.g. criticising the vehicle choices based on a three page sample which specifically states that some of the text is placeholder).

Let’s give Free League a chance, yeah?
I'll refer back to my previous comments about parts of this fan base just not wanting anything new because... reasons.

Back when the 93GS forum was running, we had one dude on there who legit wanted 2013 to fail because no one working on it was old enough to have served in West Germany in the '80s. That was his whole issue... as if spending a year staring at the Fulda Gap was a requirement to be a credible game designer in this genre.

- C.
Clayton A. Oliver • Occasional RPG Freelancer Since 1996

Author of The Pacific Northwest, coauthor of Tara Romaneasca, creator of several other free Twilight: 2000 and Twilight: 2013 resources, and curator of an intermittent gaming blog.

It rarely takes more than a page to recognize that you're in the presence of someone who can write, but it only takes a sentence to know you're dealing with someone who can't.
- Josh Olson
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