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Old 08-22-2020, 02:28 AM
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ChalkLine ChalkLine is offline
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The disappearing gun mount pits, now vacant, make perfect positions for heavy mortars. The soviets love heavy mortars, here's a good place to have a few.

The dry ditch is still a serious impediment to attack but if I was the GM and it had been manned during the war I'd have enlarged it and have had the forward wall clad in sandbags revetted with wood and maybe covered in chain-link. Failing that keep it as it is and have a stand-off chain-link barrier mounted one metre off the face of the concrete.

As can be seen some of the heavy armour covers are starting to look a bit rusty. A wooden framework supporting a metre or so of sandbags will fix that and stop the covers shedding steel splinters should they be struck by artillery.

There's a lot of uses for this fortress but a good one is to have it holding hostage the port below. Marauders can have a few odds and sods direct fire weapons in the casemates covering the harbour and stopping enemy shipping forcing the straights. This was going to be my plan for it (either that or a murder mystery in Space 1889)
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