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Old 09-01-2020, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
Absolutely and that's something I didn't think about. It's definitely a positive factor for whoever is trying to get a crowdfunding project started - free advertising! What's not to like.

But with that said, it doesn't do anything to remove my concerns about what happens to Twilight: 2000 after Free League have delivered all the items for the kickstarter. There's some talk from them about wanting to release more product in a few years but considering what has (or rather, hasn't) happened with their other product lines, I am left to think "Okay, that's a nice thought, but I'll believe it when I see it."
To defend Free League a bit, their Mutant:Year Zero, as called everywhere but Sweden, they have released expansions for them. One box for each major archetype, animal-mutants, robots, non-mutated humans (and mutated humans were the bog standard in the release box). But you do have a point.
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