Thread: Yugoslavia
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Old 09-01-2020, 10:03 AM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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Much of the Romanian Army was destroyed in the war, but some units have survived although there is no longer a Romanian high command system. There are also many other former Romanian personnel who are now fighting as small bands of partisans. Surviving Romanian Army units are still in fairly good shape, having absorbed other units or making use of both caches of weapons stashed across the Romania countryside and captured Soviet and Hungarian weapons. Partisans are not nearly as well equipped but better armed and supplied than many of their counterparts in other countries.

Romanian equipment is predominantly Warsaw Pact, although they have produced a lot themselves. Tanks are TR-85s, M-77s and M-81s (Romanian upgrades of the T-55), T-72s, and T-54/55s, and T-34/85s. Other vehicles include BRDM-3s, BRDM-2s, TAB-77, and BTR-60/50’s. Artillery is a mix of towed 152mm and 122mm howitzers, 100mm and 85mm anti-tank guns, and BM-21 MRL’s. There is also 120mm and 82mm mortars, AT-3 anti-tank missiles, RPG-16, RPG-7’s and ZU-23-4, 57mm and 37mm AA’s and SA-6 and SA-7 SAM’s. The Romanians also used IAR-316Bs and IAR-330s helicopters, but these are unlikely to be still in use, although Soviet forces in Romania may use some captured helicopters along with their own.

1st Motorised Rifle Division
This unit is operating as ant-Soviet partisans in the Bucharest area.
Location: Bucharest area, Romania
Troops: 900
Tanks: 1 (1x TR-85)

9th Motorised Rifle Division
This unit is operating as anti-Hungarian partisans in the Cluj area.
Location: Cluj area, Romania
Manpower: 1,100

18th Motorised Rifle Division
This unit is operating as anti-Hungarian partisans east of Timisoara.
Location: Timisoara, Romania
Manpower: 1,100
Tanks: 2 (2x TR-85)

2nd/6th Combined Mountain Brigade
This unit is an amalgamation of two mountain infantry units from the pre-war Romanian 3rd Army. It is divided into a number of cantonments along the Danube River from the town of Turnu Severin to the famed Iron Gate Pass near Osrova.
Location: Turnu Severin area, Romania
Manpower: 900

Both the Soviets and the Hungarians have forces in Romania.

Hungarian Army

3rd Combined Arms Corps
2nd Tank Brigade
1st Motorised Rifle Brigade

Soviet Army

32nd Air Assault Brigade
3rd Guards Tank Army
13th Tank Division
14th Tank Division
42nd Guards Tank Division
117th Guards Tank Division
38th Army
24th Motorised Rifle Division
97th Motorised Rifle Division
Unattached (From Kiev MD)
29th Guards Motorised Rifle Division
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