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Old 05-22-2009, 06:45 AM
Sanchez Sanchez is offline
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Default Meleè rules

Houserules v.2.0 by GM HEADQUARTERS

Purpose:to create a middle ground between a simulation and a dice rolling game to make for fast, furious and fun playing of T2K melee.

Who goes first is determined by :

Unarmed melee : Initiativ ,Skill , Agility –if still equal highest on the dice. NB! Sucker punches,”optional attacks”,situational attacks at GMs discretion.

Armed melee: Range-longer moves first.If equal range – agility minus bulk , if equal still rate by Initiativ ,Skill , Agility if still equal –highest roll of die.
NB! Sucker punches,”optional attacks”,situational attacks at GMs discretion

CONSECUTIVE ATTACKS : for each attack deduct 1 from attackers initiative , skill ,agility ,to determine who goes first for consecutive attacks .
This means that for example attacker A with initiative 6 and a skill of 8 and thus 4 moves pr phase will get all of his punches launched before attacker B
with initiative 2 and skill 4 can launch a single attack .

BLOCKS may be attempted against all attacks ,even if characters moves doesn’t come until later in the round.

1. Attack is AVERAGE melee skill.

BLOCKING : AVERAGE melee skill +/- modifiers.
When GM announces that attack is on the way –but before result is given- PLAYER MUST ANNOUNCE BLOCK or block is forfeit .
Player may use 1 block pr attack only .Defenders number of moves equals number of blocks.(Yes- you can be outgunned).
A roll of 10 is always a failure to block.
A hit with a roll of a natural 1 must be blocked by a natural 1 (OPTIONAL)
.When rolling block opponents “attack difficulty level” must be matched.( OPTIONAL)
(See “called shots”). EXAMPLE : rolling a block for an attack that is difficult requires making a difficult block roll.

IF SKILL + MODIFIER IS GREATER THAN 10 WHEN BLOCKING : 10 is always a failure – but considering the advantage the GM determines result.
It can be a hit ( on a high GM roll for failure result or for instance a block that hurts giving the character some dmg to blocking limb etc. A natural roll of 1 needs a block
Roll of 1 .

2. Number of moves equals skill/2 rounded down.This regards melee moves only. Drawing a weapon etc as pr core rules.No moves can be carried over to the next phase.

3. Melee skill/Melee disciplines :is divided into UNARMED : box, kick, grapple.(for instance boxing, tae kwon do ,judo). And ARMED: blades,clubs,polearms. Players
choose specialization and allocate the points and receive ½ points in the other disciplines.


ARMED: weapon stats determine dmg. NB! Critical damage rules apply to armed melee attacks.

BOXING / PUNCHES: skill X STR / 20 = dmg (max dmg is 5) Called shots to specific locations etc - one level higher difficulty.

KICKS : skill X STR / 10 = dmg (max dmg is 10) Called shots to specific location etc –one level higher difficulty.


Once CH is GREATER than opponents GRAPPLE SKILL OR STR ,( defenders choice ) ,opponent is subdued and held.
Grappler may commence hurting pinned opponent in subsequent phases/available attacks –substituting CH for dmg points .
Called shots etc one level higher difficulty. (Ex. throws, instant locks)

CLOSING THE DISTANCE : If standing , a grappler must close the distance with defender before grappling attacks can be used .A defender may choose to move ahead
of the approaching grappler as long as there is enough room . KICK/BOX style fighters may still attack even if they are retreating before the advancing grappler.
To close the distance the grappler must use a CLINCHING technique (see clinching / unclinching ) OR Get the defender “up against the ropes “
so that he can close the distance anyways.

ESCAPING a lock /grappling attack : Defender can counter with a grappling attack of his own .( Blocking in kick/box fights )
.If his attacks generates more CH than the attackers Defender will now be locking the Attacker in a reversal of the situation.
The counter attack is equal to the block in other fighting styles.
Again , once CH exceeds opponents grappling skill or STRENGTH , target is pinned/locked. Subsequent CH may be substituted for damage points by attacker .

Defender may also try to escape using attributes STR/AG. Number of moves again equals unarmed melee moves within the discipline.


Such escapes ,(STR/AG), will not give CH as far as any offense is concerned and any CH accumulated is considered “escape points only”. Once escape points exceeds
attackersCH , defender is free of the lock .He may still be within attack range for grappling attacks .To get away he needs to “unclinch” or be able to move out of
grappling range.

CHOKE HOLDS : choking the defender means cutting the bloodstream to the brain and depriving it of oxygen. It is considered a called shot to the head.
Calculating damage /result for chokeholds : If attack is successful –i.e . CH points are scored , roll 1D6 and add to the CH result .If the figure is higher than defenders
CONSTITUTION score ,defender will black out an equal number of SECONDS/MOVES to the margin result exceeded CON. Attacker may of course continue the attack
Against unconscious defender and unopposed gain more CH -and ultimately choke the defender to death .(Automatic hit )
Death occurs when constant choke hold damage has been applied to defender for as many MINUTES as CON/2.
NB! Choking damage is temporary and will be reset to original level if hold is broken and defender gets oxygen again .

GRAPPLING SPECIAL ATTACKS: the attacks that instantly hurts opponent by breaking bones, ripping sinews etc are VERY DIFFICULT = skill / 4 .
(Example : snapping the neck like Arnold in commando.)

In such cases CH is applied directly as Controlling Hits AND damage points in the same move .Blocking rules are normal .


SPECIAL ATTACKS : some Martial Arts have expert attacks that instantly decides a fight .These can be summed up as doing 2 times the damage but require twice as many
moves. Such attacks therefore require that attacker has at least 2 attacks pr phase.Meaning melee skill: 6 or more-a fairly high expertise in martial arts.
Headquarters allow no such attacks without proper “MANGAFICATION”-this entails calling your shot in an evil/heroic voice by boldly invoking the name of the technique.
Name must reflect type of attack and few superlatives that fit. Then the player details his move .Example :
“Glorious fist of the Righteous Wrath!!”…”My PC draws back his fist ,filling the punch with momentum by the inch and releases with the ancient Kiai a devastating blow”
Other examples include hitting more than 1 target pr attack or blocking a sword blade by clapping your hands against the flatside .
Failure to enthusiastically MANGAFY will result in a MALL NINJA MOVE and botch the attack- but still expend the moves. Yes, it takes a martial artist to do it.
Specified hitlocation means one level more difficult roll.

GRAPPLING SPECIAL ATTACKS: the attacks that instantly hurts opponent by breaking bones, ripping sinews etc are VERY DIFFICULT = skill / 4 .
(Example : snapping the neck like Arnold in commando.) CH /DMG points apply at the same time .

ARMED MELEE SPECIALS: some weapons have special attacks listed –usually one or two levels more difficult for special result. Consult weaponsdoc.
Example : three section staff,twohanded sword,halberd, swordbreakers etc

TECHNIQUES: several exist .
A) Clinch /Unclinch : Character uses all moves as blocks and tries to close the distance .If successful opponents end up in a clinch.
* The defender may choose to stand his ground and let attacks rain down on the attacker trying to go into a clinch. Attacker may block only .
*The Clinch /Unclinch competition is solved by rolling against skill used in fight – better margins win. Different styles is of no consequence here .
*Unclinch /un- closing the distance is the opposite but follows the same rules. If one side is trying to clinch and the other un-clinch ,no attacks are made.

B) Defensive stance : Player announces before phase starts.+1 to blocks- character goes up against the ropes and digs in. All moves tied up as blocks.


TWO WEAPONSTYLE: a separate skill that allows for a max of 5 attacks ( skill level twoweaponstyle / 2 round down ) Can never exceed base armed skill.
XP must be allotted in usual manner starting from 1 . A normal skill that must be taught and developed.

Both weapons must be fast and agile meaning more than 3 attacks pr phase.

CALLED SHOTS : A character may try special moves or called shots- these are one level more difficult .
Attacking a certain body part or location –DIFFICULT (Attack to head specific – difficult D10 roll).

Terrain,footing,weather,vegetation,crowds higher ground etc all make variables that modifies all of the above. GMs dicretion and collective mind analyzis apply.

Invariably , fighters of different disciplines will square off .To try to portray the realism of a fight through paper rules will not succeed. As a simulation of the variables
The following rules apply :

If prone or grounded KICKING or BOXING style fighting will be impaired by a penalty of :all attacks 1 level more difficult.

If standing , a grappler must close the distance with defender before grappling attacks can be used .A defender may choose to move ahead of the approaching grappler
as long as there is enough room . KICK/BOX style fighters may still attack even if they are retreating before the advancing grappler.If the attacker tries to clinch –see

To close the distance the grappler must use a CLINCHING technique (see clinching / unclinching )


Get the defender “up against the ropes “ so that he can close the distance anyways.

Last edited by headquarters; 05-25-2009 at 04:08 AM.