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Old 02-18-2021, 05:33 PM
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ChalkLine ChalkLine is offline
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I'm wincing wondering if I'm any of those.

However there's the good ones too:

The Book Keeper:
This person diligently handles party records and often has everything laid out for the GM to easily refer to. The best are ones that work in partnership with the GM.

The Facilitator:
This isn't the real army and what's needed isn't a leader or commander but someone that combines ideas into a workable whole and puts them back to the party. Not often needed in face to face games but often required in text games. Essentially a coordinator that can show why some ideas are unworkable but incorporate parts of those ideas into the group plan.

The Descriptor:
The player that gives vivid accounts of their actions that stops the game being a boardgame, "Last Battle" is freely available for sale, and makes it alive. Tends to enthuse the GM and also to provoke similar descriptions from other players. A gem.

The Voices Guy:
This person talks in character, often using a distinctive voice and appropriate accent. It can be a bit daunting and in text games it might be hard to read but it does tend to add to the game and also make it very easy for the GM to know when they are in character.
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