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Old 03-01-2021, 04:56 PM
madmikechoi madmikechoi is offline
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Originally Posted by Southernap View Post
Heck I could see maybe a useful situation where the Koreans and Japanese may find an working agreement about shipping, oil and refining of oil as required.

I just looked it up and found this list of Japanese Oil Refineries when compared to just the 4 major refineries in ROK. So there could be a brisk trade of shipping and repair facilities between the two nations for what oil that the Japanese trade for and ship into the region.
Oil refineries are also useful b/c they often have hydrogen reformers and SOX/NOX scrubbers so you can have sulfuric and nitric acid production as well. Keep in mind modern chemical processing will also be dependent on a lot of platinum metals so again, making sure sea lanes of communications and supply are clear will be vital.

Japan also has the advantage of having industrialized earlier so they're going to have a lot more in terms of number of refineries.

Either way PACCOM will do its honest best that so long as they get a cut of the refineries (if any are left standing) and to make sure shipyards (if only to do hull and certain machinery repair) are close running- in return what remains of the 7th and 3rd Fleets are going to do convoy escort from the Gulf through Malacca and finally into the East China Sea/North Pacific

Mad Mikec
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