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Old 04-17-2021, 10:11 PM
Vespers War Vespers War is online now
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OK, so here's a rough go at the two .32 Extra Short pistols using FF&S, which really isn't intended for something as funky as a squeeze-trigger palm pistol. Both have extremely low range, which makes sense for a small black powder round from short barrels - these are for settling poker disputes, not military use.

I used an article at The American Cowboy for additional information on the Protector. Reloading involves taking the pistol apart, so it's incredibly slow and requires tools. Figure it can't be done in combat, but can be done during a non-combat 4-hour period regardless of what else is being done.

Protector Palm Pistol, Model of 1882
Wt 0.30 kg, DAR, Mag 7i, Rld ?, Dam 1, Pen Nil, Bulk 1, SS 4, Rng 2

For the Remington-Rider, I couldn't find the weight after a decent amount of Google searching, so I assumed it's similar to the Protector just for the sake of getting some sort of stats out there. FF&S is insistent it can only have a 3-round tubular magazine, but the actual weapon's known to hold 5 rounds. While the tube is detachable, it has no way to keep rounds from being ejected while detached, so spare tubes cannot be used like detachable magazines. Thus, the magazine is 5i instead of 5 to reflect having to load each round and keep the end of the tube blocked to avoid premature ejection. While it's not a revolver per se, SAR is closest to emulating how the hammer and breech block have to be drawn back to eject the spent round and load a new one from the magazine.

Remington-Rider Magazine Pistol, Model of 1871
Wt 0.30 kg, SAR, Mag 5i, Rld 1, Dam 1, Pen Nil, Bulk 1, SS 5, Rng 4
The poster formerly known as The Dark

The Vespers War - Ninety years before the Twilight War, there was the Vespers War.
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