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Old 05-25-2009, 11:13 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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As if T2K wasn't a depresing enough environment to roleplay in, the PCs in some campaigns like to engage in behaviours that I usually avoid in my characters (on the rare opportunities that I get to play rather than GM). The PCs in Headquarters' campaign clearly like to dally with (or perhaps whole-heartedly embrace) 'the dark side' and the same goes for my campaign.

When it comes to dealing with the corpses of enemies or just strangers Major Po and his troupe of professional war criminals like to leave messages for other passers by. Just leaving the looted and semi naked bodies lying in the mud is fairly standard. Posing corpses at the site of a firefight to paint a different picture to what actually happened would also be a pretty common sort of activity, as would allowing some of Po's more detached and brutal underlings to do a little creative mutilation. Other fun choices have in the past included deliberately contaminating water sources with bodies, booby trapping corpses and using corpses to pretend that live hostages have been taken.

It would be a rare occasion indeed for Po's unit to give fallen enemy combatants a decent burial or funeral pyre.
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