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Old 04-26-2021, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
People will get emotional over many, many things. It's part of being human.
There's been a lot of emotion and venting going on lately.

Does that mean people are actively trying to destroy other people's work or harm the forum? Personally, I doubt it.
There have certainly been arguments but typically people cool down afterwards and move on. But obviously it has really bugged some people because they tended to go from 0 to 100 and completely engage full on howler monkey mode.

But it appears that the biggest problem we've had at the moment is throwing around such labels as "this is junk", "the background is utter crap", "trying to destroy", "toxic" and so on, that has just made people even more emotional so that now the whole thing is an overwrought, over-reaction to anything that is perceived to hurt someone else's feelings.

What we should have done right from the beginning, is set up a "saloon" with very explicitly stated rules about it being a place where people can talk shit and vent but you leave it in the saloon and you don't get personal, you don't get racial, you don't get political. Apply a three strikes and your out policy (as in, you get one warning for first offence, a temporary ban for the second offence and a permanent ban for the third offence).
As much as we would all like the world to be puppy dogs and rainbows, we have to acknowledge that arguments do happen and we probably should have set up a space for that to happen to prevent them from spilling over into the main threads.

When I built this place none of what you described was needed. As it is no longer what was intended it may be time to end it. If you want that build it somewhere else.

Play nice, be constructive, be civil. Second statement of this.