Thread: 4th ed T2K
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:30 AM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I feel your pain, sir. Mom died last year. Dad died this January. It just leaves you feeling drained and lost. I hope you enjoy your kickstarter merch.

I have the MUTANT:YEAR ZERO game and for a Twilight2000 style adventure I'd probably do the following...

Set the Hex size for scrounging/foraging to 1Km (down from ten).

Set the ranges in meters. The FL standard of a base 10-meter square is too coarse in my opinion. A person can COMFORTABLY occupy a single meter (or yard), so there is no reason to have such a large base range. I'm not really a fan of range bands anyway.

Set all encumbrances up in kilograms and do away with FL's encumbrance units. Twilight2000 is all about resource management to begin with. So just give me a common weight standard!

I would do away with the "ammo dice" system for rounds expended and use a system my group (and many others) pioneered in SHADOWRUN. Just give each weapon a rate of fire (like my dividing cyclic rate by 100) and allow the shooter to SELECT any number of dice based on that rate of fire. IF an AKM has a ROF of 6, then the shooter could take UP TO 6 additional dice for the success test. EACH ADDITIONAL DIE costs one round of ammo in addition to the initial round for single fire. ANY ROLL OF "1" on an Ammo Die will cost you one additional round of ammo (meaning THAT die costs 2 rounds of ammo).

There are other things I would change, but, in my opinion, these are the most GLARING issues that need fixed.
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