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Old 05-30-2021, 04:03 PM
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Tegyrius Tegyrius is offline
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Originally Posted by micromachine View Post
Ammunition will of course be a large problem, however, a tank with a coaxial machine gun and a pintle mounted machine gun is still something to respect if you have limited antitank equipment. I can see some real "franken weapons" coming into service as the modern spares and hanger queens are used up to make good on battlefield losses. Picture a demilled Sherman tank with a ball mounted M1919, Bofors 40mm gun in lieu of the 75mm gun, an M60 pintlle mount, and a M40 recoiless rifle mounted on the turret bustle as part of the rapid reaction force of a cantonment.
Or as the centerpiece of a marauder formation. You don't need APFSDSDU for intimidating the peasants and making an example of the odd resister who tries to off the warlord with a hunting rifle. Put some 40mm into a few church steeples (and the snipers in them) and the rest of the subjects wise up real quick.

Enter the PCs, stage left...

- C.
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