Thread: 4th ed T2K
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Old 06-02-2021, 03:07 PM
unipus unipus is offline
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I guess? I mean I found most of the changes in the beta to be improvements, both in rules and especially backstory -- but none of the rules change were earth-shattering, they were evolutionary of what was already there.

But I guess I fundamentally don't understand the question. What would make it feel more or less appropriate to campaign play to you, versus one-shot? I *never* saw anything about it as very one-shot oriented, and I've been running a campaign in it since not too long after the alpha came out. I'd say we've done... 12 to 15 sessions so far?

Some additional materials have come out that better support setting up a campaign. Orders of battle, more material on the factions and some NPCs/mini-adventure sites, a little more nuance to the background, etc. That stuff can certainly all be useful, if you need it. I've retroactively applied most of it to my campaign, but not with any major effect. Most of it is way above the PCs' pay grade.
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