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Old 06-03-2021, 03:22 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
Olefin, I think you may be falling prey to the Fallacy of Small Samples, or the Auditor's Fallacy.

13 "ignore it completely" responses out of 42 poll responses is significant, but it's only a third of the responders here. You could also look at this as 2/3 of the responders here do plan to make some use of v4. The Discord is an echo chamber, so it's not representative of the wider T2k fanbase. Using the Discord subset to prove v4 will be a flop is like using the Free League forum membership to prove it will be a smash.

Regardless, as Rainbow Six pointed out, 13 out of over 8,000 KS backers is insignificant, statistically, so I don't know how accurate your predictive "analysis" is going to be.

Its actually 45 responses you have here so far and that polling data would be based on the actual number of members here who regularly sign on and post/answer polls. Thus the numbers is a statistically accurate sample of those people here. As you said you attempted to gather data. We have what, 120 or so people who post or comment here on a regular basis? Thus you have a good sample.

And of those 45 the overall positive answers for the V4 as a whole to where they intend to play an actual V4 game with the rules and the setting is very low. Thus this does not bode well for a reboot that states that the V1 and V2.2 are not the future of the game - instead the V4 is that future.

And I would love to see more data gathered elsewhere and intend to do so on my FB group and suggest that on the other one. That will give a larger sample and thus more data to make a better projection for the V4 as a whole. I also plan to contact Tomas and suggest he do a poll as well which may show the difference between the FL market and the existing T2K market as to acceptance and "liking" of the game.

It may actually help them to focus more on what areas people want to see more of - similar to questions that have been asked here of things people are interested in seeing in the fanzine.
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