Thread: 4th ed T2K
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Old 06-04-2021, 12:56 PM
Adm.Lee Adm.Lee is offline
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[Caveat: I've read the alpha and skimmed the beta and final PDFs]

To me, this edition seems to only support a "one-time" rather than a "one-shot" campaign.

Relative to the Polish start point:
- you start with the 5th MD getting overrun, but it's only a few dozen kilometers back to friendly lines (although the impression is given that the Soviets are still advancing, so the number of km in question might be increasing by an indeterminate amount). Scant detail* is given on where the hostiles and friendlies are, and less on where they are going.
- The random encounter table uses a a deck of cards, with little reusability. ("Eight marauders with an RPG on a sunny day. Ho hum, GM drew the 8 of Spades again")**
- There are no alternate locations for PCs run to, no Free City of Krakow, no Markgraf of Silesia, no guerrilla legions of the Polish Free Congress, no pocket of the US XI Corps. The only direction for the PCs to go is west.

* Relative to the v1/v2 "Death of a Division" and "Escape from Kalisz" set-ups.
** Yes, any good GM can alter these, but a good setup wouldn't make them have to. Using cards could be a good idea, but having exactly 52 choices and no inherent flexibility for location or terrain is not.

I haven't read in detail the Swedish start-point, but it didn't seem any broader to me.

All of this made it seem like this T2k is a "one time" deal. You start HERE, and the Obvious Goal is to go THERE. Full stop, end of story. You've played all of Twilight:2000. Go buy another game, this one is wrung out and done.
My Twilight claim to fame: I ran "Allegheny Uprising" at Allegheny College, spring of 1988.
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