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Old 06-05-2009, 11:15 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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All, thanks for your comments.

I do have one US Warship (The USS Normandy) tied up alongside at Portsmouth, crippled after a torpedo attack from a Sov submarine. The US Navy Detachment in Portsmouth forms a caretaker crew for this ship. Beyond that, I’ve tended to take Legbreaker’s view that any US sailors stranded in Portsmouth (or elsewhere) would have ended up serving on another ship fairly quickly.

Likewise, in the early stages of the War, I think the UK would only serve as a transit point for any movements of dependents and wounded soldiers (exception is obviously the dependents of 3rd Air Force personnel, many of whom I think would indeed have stayed on in the UK), and then only in the early stages of the War, hence the reason I kept the numbers low. (As an aside, I have in general tried to err on the low side with regards to troop numbers as having large numbers of troops on the British mainland would decrease the amount of areas in anarchy, thus reducing campaign options).

That said, the DC Working Group have kindly shared some of the information that they had collated with me, particularly with regard to the USAF presence in the UK, and in light of that I will be making a few amendments to the US Armed Forces section (and I’m very grateful to them for sharing that info with me!)

Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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