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Old 03-26-2022, 09:04 PM
Vespers War Vespers War is online now
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 514

Jokingly, I'd give them Trophy now that their tank corps has grown over the course of the war by virtue of capturing more tanks than they lost.

More seriously, I believe I read somewhere that Israel nixed transferring Iron Dome technology to Ukraine, and I presume they'd do the same with Trophy.

Some things I'd provide:
shore-based anti-ship missile batteries*
more drones**
as many LAW and AT-4 as they want***
technical and planning assistance blowing up rail lines connecting Russia to Ukraine****

*Denying Russia free transit of waters they view as theirs will both infuriate them and greatly reduce the value they get from having annexed Crimea. The Ukrainian Navy cannot stand up to the Russian Navy in a fight, but denying Russia large areas of the Black Sea will be useful.

**Even if they're not the most current models, existing recon drones and loitering munitions give Ukraine better tactical awareness and the ability to deny easy movement by Russian forces.

***These systems are no longer effective against tanks, but against anything lighter, or against bunkers or soldiers in regular buildings, they are still effective. Blowing up logistics convoys will still be a good way to weaken Russian forces.

****Russia is still heavily rail-dependent for logistics. They ship things to forward depots by rail and generally only use road transport for the military equivalent of "last mile" delivery. No trains, no supplies.

Dislodging Russian forces won't be pretty. If they have to be evicted by force, it's going to probably involve street-to-street clearing operations in the urban areas. Tactically, stuff that an individual soldier can hump is going to be critical. Strategically, denying logistical capabilities by rail or sea are the main areas where I'd go for supplying them with non-man-portable systems.
The poster formerly known as The Dark

The Vespers War - Ninety years before the Twilight War, there was the Vespers War.
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