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Old 04-03-2022, 06:00 AM
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chico20854 chico20854 is offline
Your Friendly 92Y20!
Join Date: Sep 2008
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April 3, 1997

The Japanese 1st Airborne Brigade is airlifted to Korea, assigned (at the insistence of the Japanese government) the mission of clearing the DPRK's ballistic missile complex in Wonsan.

The last British troops in Kenya depart to join the MEFF in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Iran.


The offensive into Poland continues. Progress is slow as Allied combat engineers are brought forward to clear the minefields protecting the main Pact line of resistance, while NATO and Soviet artillery engage in a nonstop game of cat-and-mouse, firing endless series of short barrages and displacement before counterbattery radar and orbiting ELINT aircraft locate the firing batteries.

Advent Storm continues in the skies over Poland. ELINT aircraft and satellites maintain coverage of Poland, watching for movement of Pact reserves that attack aircraft can swoop down on. Deep strike missions are flown against lines of communication, while the close air support tasking is fraught with danger because of the massive amounts of artillery rounds in flight over the front line and the attentions of Pact anti-aircraft weapons that had been concealed along the main line of resistance.

The Freedom-class cargo ship Beijing Freedom is delivered in Beaumont, Texas.

On the Kola Peninsula, Allied marines continue to try to advance towards the Severomorsk bomber base against Soviet paratroops. The fighting is intense in the open, snow-covered terrain of the Arctic tundra.

The 177th Armored Brigade, the opposing force at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, receives its first platoon of T-90 tanks and BMP-3 IFVs, captured in the Battle of Germany. Army intelligence had completed their initial technical assessment and passed some of its contingent on to the NTC's OPFOR to better prepare deploying units for the opposition they will face.

The Soviet destroyer Vol'nyy attacks the US transport Virginia Freedom, sailing independently with a cargo to USN and USAF bases in the Philippines, sinking it with gunfire.

Troops of the 2nd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division (Motorized) follow their compatriots from the 1st Brigade in loading onto airliners for transit to Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian 42nd Tactical Fighter Squadron begins its ferry flight to Iran, following the route used by the rest of the wing in March.

The Tango-class submarine B-290 fires its last torpedoes at the Turkish vehicle carrier Und Transporter in the Arabian Sea, sinking her. The carrier Independence dispatches a series of S-3 Vikings to the area to try to locate the Soviet boat, unsuccessfully.

No mention is made by TASS (or any other Soviet news outlet) of the NATO attack on Poland or the labor unrest around the country. Instead, there are additional exhortations to resist revanchist Germany and their capitalist allies by increasing efforts to support the brave Soviet and fraternal socialist troops defending the motherland.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
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