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Old 04-17-2022, 11:39 PM
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Targan Targan is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
The elephant in the room today is that none of the afore-mentioned bad actors of the not-so-distant past had a nuclear arsenal. This complicates things immensely. How does one stand up to a nuclear-armed bully without triggering Armageddon?
Taking just about any negative action against Russia could trigger a nuclear response. Sanctions could trigger a nuclear response. Sanctions were put in place anyway, because the judgement call was made that Putin/the Russian leadership wouldn't knowingly end their own existence and the existence of viable human civilisation on this planet in response to sanctions.

Well I say that the first genuinely risky breakpoint for the use of Russian nukes would be Russia facing an immediate existential military threat (foreign forces rolling onto Russian territory for instance). The next step down from that would be Putin thinking his own survival was at stake (although I really doubt those around him would be willing to kick off the end of the world just because he might lose his life or his position as Russian dictator-for-life).

I straight-up don't believe that the Russians would knowingly commit mass suicide over their forces being kicked out of a country they're invading. I just don't see it happening. At the VERY least I think there should be a NATO-led no-fly zone enforced over western Ukraine. Yes it absolutely would probably elicit some sort of military response from Russia, but come on. Many of the old guard on this forum literally TRAINED to shoot at the the Russian military back in the day. In my barracks in the 90s we certainly had to know the enemy vehicle recognition posters off by heart. It was all but assumed by most of NATO that a big fight was inevitable, eventually.

All those decades we faced off against the whole of the Soviet Union, ready to roll at any time. Now we're in this bizarre erectile dysfunction-riddled world where we're taking a softly-softly approach against just a fraction of the old USSR, letting Russia dictate to countries we're allied with that they'd better not join NATO or else. Or else what? Say it out loud, Russia. What kind of trippy fever dream reality are we living in where many western conservatives friggin' ADMIRE Vladimir Putin? WTAF? Did someone sneak in during the night and cut the balls off the lot of us without us noticing?
"It is better to be feared than loved" - Nicolo Machiavelli
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