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Old 05-27-2022, 12:02 PM
Heffe Heffe is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
New clarification question regarding rolled hits, hit location, cover, and CUF. The scenario is as follows:

Target is in a ditch, only upper body is exposed. PC rolls a hit. Hit location die shows legs. Since the target's legs are behind cover (due to the shot angle, several meters of earth), no damage is done. Is this correct, so far?

Now, since the PC rolled a hit, but no damage was done due to the hit location result and target's cover, does the enemy roll CUF or not?

They would, yes. From the Player Manual pg 67:

"If you are hit by enemy fire (even if the damage is fully deflected by armor or cover), or if one or more ammo dice in a failed attack against you show, you must immediately make a coolness under fire roll."

In this instance, it wasn't just that the ground causes no damage to be done. Rather, the ground itself is counted as a type of "cover", and would thus impart additional points of armor to the PC. Sandbags seem like somewhat of an equivalent, so I'd think the ground would reduce the amount of damage taken for the hit by at least 4 points (probably a lot more, given that the ground is thicker than sandbags and the angle of attack). As a result, no damage actually penetrates the armor/cover to the player, but it does still count as a hit, and therefore CUF would still need to be rolled.
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