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Old 08-25-2022, 07:07 PM
Homer Homer is offline
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Tactical COMINT is probably one of the few “technical” sources still available to commanders circa 2000. After all, in its simplest form it’s just a radio receiver with directional antenna and signal strength meter tied to a tape recorder or linguist. Encryption and decryption is probably through manual means. Therse should be a reasonable number of platforms (PRD-12 or TRQ-32 class) still available to conduct low end COMINT.

ELINT and operational/strategic COMINT is likely limited by availability of collection and processing resources as well as a decline in emitters. Ground based collection and processing sites have either become casualties (Elmendorf AFB and Fort Meade, for example) or suffered from security/resource disruption (I always figured NSA would reconstitute at Belvoir then move on to Buckley). Air and space assets, according to canon suffered from either outright loss or disruption to supporting infrastructure.

There will still be tactical ground based ELINT capable systems like the MEWSS or (maybe) Prophet/GBCS, but they will have lost much of their supporting analytic and maintenance structure. Although, they’re probably fully capable of classification and DF on surviving battlefield emitters like GSR, Counterfire Radar, or SHORAD emitters.

Assets such as the limited airborne platforms may be committed in support of major operations as a form of weighting. I could see Ancient Mariner getting support from remaining U-2/TR-1A, Rivet Joint, and Guardrail systems. Maritime assets will likely retain much of their onboard capability, with the cannon landings at Chah Bahar probably having some of the best EOB prep available.

SIGINT can be used to drive a plot, either indirectly as part of the info characters are given (Boomer) or directly (characters are assigned to escort an LLVI or SOT-A team, verify SIGINT derived data, or conduct a raid to recover or destroy sensitive equipment or personnel (SOI, cryptographer, etc).

Last edited by Homer; 08-27-2022 at 08:21 AM.
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