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Old 09-20-2022, 03:05 AM
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With the situation secure. Geddes calls out it is OK for the guide to approach. Together with the sniper, the three of them huddle in the building against the cold outside. Dusk has turned to night.

Geddes intends to interrogate the wounded sniper. This is covered under social conflict in the players manual. Geddes asks the sniper what he is doing there, and future plans?

Geddes Empathy is B and Persuasion is a C.
+1 for having more people on my side
+1 because it doesn’t cost anything
+1 for injured sniper
+1 because held captive
I gave a -1 due to language difference, even though I had my guide who could have translated.
This results in (D12+D12). Die roll is 9,9. So two successes. Geddes hears more than he expected (due to 2 successes).

The sniper was tasked with holding this cross roads and reporting back any movement. Armoured Personnel Carriers are expected any time from lunch time earlier today. This would be part of the first wave of soldiers entering country. The sniper does not expect them to be far off.

Geddes looks at his RPG-7 and two rockets. With luck it might be enough to make a convoy pause. But was not likely to be enough to hold up any vehicles or soldiers for long.

Geddes sends the guide back to the Village and report to the Officer the news of taking down the sniper and the impending attack via this road. And to use the success of today to bring back much needed supplies to enable the fight to continue. Geddes hoped his work today would be rewarded and allow him to make a difference in the actions to come.

The sniper is bound up on the top floor. Geddes provides medical attention to the snipers two gunshot wounds to the torso.

Medical aid for Geddes is (D10+D8). The roll is 6,3. One success, means heals 1 point and no infection.

[As referee, I decide to roll 2xD12s to determine the time of day that the convoy will arrive. The result is 5,2 so 7am the next morning.]

7am the following morning.
The convoy is made up of UAZ off road vehicle and 3 x BTR-60’s (with unknown number of soldiers).

Keeping watch roll. D12+D12 with a +2 for being on foot verse vehicles. Die roll is 5,5. No success! Hmmm. The convoy rolls into the village unseen and unheard. They come to a stop in the middle of the village intersection. A soldier from the UAZ gets out and speaks to the commander of the first BTR, who has popped out of a hatch.

I am struggling to explain how 4 vehicles have driven into the centre of the village without Geddes noticing. But here we are. I determine that the vehicles are close by now, when Geddes does become aware of them. In my mind, he may have heard them coming but not been able to action anything before they pull up.

Geddes does intend to fire down on the lead BTR though using the RPG-7. This is a form of waylaying (page 62 of the PDF).

Geddes Recon is D12+D12. Die roll is 11,8 for 3 successes. The convoy gets to make a passive Recon roll to detect Geddes in the upper floor building. They roll D6+D6 and get 3,2. Both fail, therefore the waylay is successful. The players manual doesn’t give any village/city engagement advice so I use ruins which indicates range of 2D10 hexes. The roll is 4,2 therefore 6 hexes (60m).

Geddes aims the RPG-7 and fires. The rocket streaks from the window and covers the short distance to target relatively quickly, striking the front of the BTR with a satisfying smack, crack … following by pluming black smoke.

Having now given away his position, Geddes realises in his haste he has forgotten rule #1 of an ambush, which is “always have an escape route!”. Geddes will never know the exact damage caused as he abandons the sniper and last RPG rocket, bounding down the stairs hoping to make it to the safety of the forest to cover his escape. Will he make it?

Geddes aims the RPG-7 using his heavy weapon skill (C) and rolls (D12+D8) +1 elevation so (D12+D10). The roll is 12,4. Two hits!
Hit location was the engine, doing 5 points of damage, taking the reliability factor to 0. Therefore, the lead BTR is immobilised. Further, there will be internal blast damage to passengers.
Driver (missed but suppressed), Commander (one hit for 2 points damage and suppressed), Passenger 1 (missed but suppressed) P2 (missed and passes CUF so not suppressed), P3 (missed not suppressed) and P4 (missed not suppressed)

Smoke plumes out of the stricken BTR. Debris falls down around the column. The soldier from the UAZ rises unsteadily to his feet. This was unexpected, the soldiers are confused in the aftermath.

I rule that Geddes needs to make a mobility roll to make it down the stairs in time and without injury, then a second mobility roll to make it into the forest unseen.

Geddes grabs his backpack and FAL and makes for the stairwell, hoping to take advantage of the confusion in the street. He makes it to ground level in good time and without injury (rolled 8 and 5 for a single success).

Pausing at the corner of the building, Geddes tries to time his run across a garden, a street and a short clearing and then into the forest without being seen.
Head down, he sprints, keeping any trees or other barriers as much as he can between himself and the enemy soldiers. He doesn’t look back, knowing that if he is seen he will know about it soon enough.

Geddes makes it to the forest and slides down behind a fallen tree trunk, taking comfort in the shadow and silence that surrounds him. He’d made it (for his second mobility roll he rolled 7,7).

Geddes now needs to make a navigation survival roll to successfully make it back to the village. He’s exited the village a different way than he’d arrived, was hurried as he escaped the building away from the convoy and was now moving without the benefit of his guide. It had been a confusing time and a rush, but Geddes was able to make his way back to the village. Hopefully he had bought them some time before the convoy makes it way their.

The Officer looked at Geddes warily.
Your guide here says you shot and captured a sniper. This is good work. And the sniper says a convoy is on its way?

Geddes responds. Correct. I just left the intersection, where I immobilised a BTR. They may not be far away from advancing on our position now.

The guide supports your story re the sniper. But a convoy, so close? I don’t know if I can believe you on that one.

Its true. They have crossed the border. Are armed, and are advancing in numbers. I have nothing to gain from making up this story, if I am wrong you have me surrounded. But, if I am right, we are all in danger.

We will prepare our village for a possible contact. We have some, mechanisms to deal with an attack. Is there anything else need from me?

Another RPG and rounds. Do you have any mines? Grenades? And if I can, I’d like to keep the guide. His local knowledge is good, and he is known to the locals which provides me with some credibility.

(I make a persuasion roll for Geddes, with a +1 for the sniper success. But he fails).

You left the RPG behind, for the enemy to use against us! Then ask for another one? You should be disciplined for aiding the enemy, not reequipped!!! Your help is appreciated. You are free to stay with us, but I can offer you no more assistance than I already have.

Geddes realises he is back on his own. He hadn’t really considered this, he had been thinking ahead to ambushing the enemy again, only with more firepower. Now, he felt sad for the village perhaps being attacked by surprise.

Geddes sits down out of the way and watches life go by. How can one soldier improve their impact on the battle? What can he realistically achieve?

As referee I want to game out an anti-tank mine verse a BTR. But the Officer has made it clear Geddes will get no more help.

I decide Geddes will try and steal an anti tank mine. This will be a Recon check at -2 difficulty. If caught, I expect there will be serious consequences. If successful, I intend to mine the entry to the village where Geddes expects the convoy to approach from.
Oh, and to add some randomness to the story I will draw a random encounter card to see how that impacts my PCs intended actions.
"Beep me if the apocolypse comes" - Buffy Sommers
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