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Old 11-27-2022, 06:45 PM
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Tegyrius Tegyrius is offline
This Sourcebook Kills Fascists
Join Date: Nov 2008
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That is a strong argument for troupe-style play in which everyone has a primary combat/adventuring PC and a secondary support PC. Or just for the GM to not be an ass about denying a character a chance to do their thing.

So our last resource obstacle for running a tank-focused party is ammo. How's that work out in v2 versus v4?

Ammo v2

2nd edition provides varying availability levels for different ammo types.

125mm HE is common (80% chance of being available in cities, 70% in towns, 30% in villages).

125mm HEAT is scarce (60% in cities, 40% in towns, 20% in villages).

125mm sabot is rare (20% in cities, 10% in towns).

12.7mm and 7.62x54mm for the MGs are both common.

Ammo v4

As a broad category, all non-guided heavy weapon ammo is scarce (33% chance of availability in any settlement).

All small arms ammo is common (67% chance of availability in any settlement).

In both cases, chance of availability is for the broad category of item. The referee decides whether a specific sought-after model/type/caliber from that category is available. The West Possum Trot Trading Post may be fresh out of 125mm HEAT, but surely 122mm howitzer mustard agent shells are close enough for government work, right?

ETA: And here's a price comparison for main gun ammo:

Really, that last paragraph captures it. Ammo availability, perhaps more than any other resource, will be subject to referee judgement and fiat, even with strict adherence to the framework of the rules.

- C.
Clayton A. Oliver • Occasional RPG Freelancer Since 1996

Author of The Pacific Northwest, coauthor of Tara Romaneasca, creator of several other free Twilight: 2000 and Twilight: 2013 resources, and curator of an intermittent gaming blog.

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- Josh Olson

Last edited by Tegyrius; 12-04-2022 at 09:35 AM.
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