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Old 11-30-2022, 09:13 PM
castlebravo92 castlebravo92 is offline
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Originally Posted by Hybris View Post
Hallo. I’m looking for places in Dallas Ft worth area where the battles took Place in 1998. i will try to use google maps to give my players an illustration of where the battles took place and where the enemy forces are stationed. The American forces has withdrawn across the Red River and are regrouping for a counterattack. I understand that a nuke/nukes war used in the area but not to may.
Carswell AFB (now NAS JRB Fort Worth) catches a 500 kiloton airburst but it's the only nuke in the area, and DFW is huge in terms of land area (24,000 square kilometers...a 500 kt nuke would turn about 1/100th of the metro area to rubble.

TBH I think the US army and the Mexicans would have avoided DFW. Too many hungry people and probably in full scale Mad Max collapse by the time the Mexicans make it that far. I think the significant battles would have happened around Fort Hood. Canon has the 197th Brigade "defeating" the Texian legion in October of 98 and then has the Legion almost annihilating the 85th Infantry Division in Jan of 99 (which is better than the Arkansas New America cell managed), so they weren't all that defeated.

Waco is the furthest north the Mexican army has units posted as of Jan 1, 2001. Presumably the Mexicans patrol north into the southern outskirts of DFW and the US army patrols south into the northern outskirts as well, but probably both keep the ruins and any gangs ruling over the rubble as a buffer between each other.

One thing to note is that the force levels are laughably pathetic (extremely unrealistically so). You cannot garrison a hostile area the size of Texas with only 8000 troops, especially when those 8,000 troops are broken up into factions (Dallas by itself has 3500 cops to police 1.3 million people in peace time when everyone isn't trying to kill each other over a chicken wing and a potato).

The way I rationalize it is those 8000 troops are the trained maneuver/combat elements, and overall numbers are augmented by irregulars, militia, and/or support troops. So tooth to tail, maybe another 30k to 40k present and able to provide garrison and defensive combat capability. Otherwise local partisans would wipe them out in about 3 hours.
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