Thread: New America
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Old 12-04-2022, 10:06 AM
castlebravo92 castlebravo92 is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
To return this thread to the OP, one explanation for New America's success in certain regions is that it provides security and services in its AoCs*. Sure, they only provide it to some, often at the expense of others, but pandering to the majority can often be a winning strategy.
To mix metaphors, it's like boiling the frog and outrunning the bear rolled up into one. For the untermensch, the screws are applied slowly so it's not obvious from the get-go what is happening. This is helped by the general increase in overall tyranny, lawlessness, and "extreme measures" the government has already taken to restore/keep order.

As far as outrunning the bear, you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun the slowest guy. Using the Pareto principle, maybe 20% of an area under New American control are true believers, but if they are present, seem to be getting civilization working again to a degree, a lot of people are going to glom on.

Additionally, I imagine things in a lot of post-collapse areas would take on "prison-rules" aspects, so a lot of people not naturally draw to a New America ideology pre-war might find themselves having to "clique up" just to survive.

BTW, I'm not trying to make New America the good guy here, I think they are and should pretty clearly remain the bad guy. But historically, the really successful and really evil bad guys don't don a black shield and black armor and fly the Jolly Roger. They come dressed as the good guys.
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