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Old 01-18-2023, 10:29 AM
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chico20854 chico20854 is offline
Your Friendly 92Y20!
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Washington, DC area
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January 9, 1998

In New York City, grocery stores, convenience stores, drug stores, liquor stores, gun stores, jewelry stores, electronics stores, waterfront warehouses, gas stations, apartments more or less easily accessible from the street-these and countless other possible sources of salvageable items are emptied. Another waterborne gang is formed. The Ferrymen are under the leadership of Cap Winston, a longshoreman who seizes control of a Staten Island ferry, securing the fuel already aboard and a small store ashore.


The West Point student body and cadre is designated the 1st Cadet Brigade and assigned internal security and disaster relief duties as streams of refugees continue to travel up the Hudson River Valley.

In a bid to prevent the British from using its output, the Whitegate Oil Refinery in Cork, Ireland, the nation's sole refinery, in peacetime producing over 40 percent of its fuel, is hit by a Soviet SS-C-4 cruise missile fired by the 101st Missile Regiment, 44th Missile Division in the western Ukraine. (The missile flight is noted by NATO air defense radars as it passes overhead at low level, but commanders are unable to successfully engage it, such is the shortage of missiles and poor state of the C3I network).

Another day of heavy fighting rages in southern Holland as the French III Corps faces off against the Dutch I Corps. The veteran Dutch troops are running low on supplies, while the lavishly-supplied French troops are exploiting the lessons they have learned at such great cost over the preceding week. Outside Arnhem, the 4th Mechanized Division is engaged in heavy fighting against French armored units as the Belgians are shunted aside, while the 1st Mechanized Division (reinforced with the 103rd Recon Battalion) holds onto 's-Hertenbosch despite intense French bombardment.

Tension in the Romanian city of Tārgu Mureș is steadily rising as the local population, already hostile (as most loyal Romanians are), grows increasingly irate at the failure of the Soviet occupation force (built around the 146th Motor-Rifle Division) to provide either security, food or fuel, instead hoarding what little is available in the harsh post-exchange environment for itself. A demonstration outside the division headquarters, which quickly escalates to scuffles with the headquarters guard, is broken up with gunfire ordered by the panicked senior lieutenant on duty.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
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