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Old 01-29-2023, 05:09 PM
ToughOmbres ToughOmbres is offline
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Default ROC vs. PRC

A lot would depend on how much warning/lead time was available. Building up airborne forces and amphibious forces would be difficult to disguise from huminit and satellites.

If a bolt out of the blue invasion took place without a US CVN (or two) in the area Taiwan's going to face a much more difficult fight.

The PRC can't afford (literally) to lay waste to the island when one of the reasons for taking Taiwan are the industrial and economic assets. A massive damaging invasion would be self defeating.

Likewise in a true nightmare scenario where the PRC detonates an EMP device of some sort to shock both the ROC defenders and any USN assets in the area would destroy the very island and its infrastructure they are trying to seize.

Difficult to say-always in motion is the future.
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