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Old 03-10-2023, 01:49 PM
Heffe Heffe is offline
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Originally Posted by bash View Post
Yeouch! I've been paying attention to the Russian losses but this is a great perspective. I'm just amazed the brightest military minds in Russia have settled on a Zapp Brannigan strategy. Unfortunately for them it seems the Ukrainians upgraded to 32-bit unsigned integers, their kill limits aren't going to hit a limit any time soon.

I'm also amused at the idea that somehow Russia is just playing dumb and their real offensive will start any day now. Like they've got some secret competent army waiting to be let loose.
And to think, that's only the losses which have been visually confirmed with photographic or video evidence!

It's difficult to know what Russia has left, but with T-62s already having entered the field, they can't be terribly happy with their armor losses thus far. I'd wager that they've probably lost somewhere between a third and a half of all of their available tank capacity, nationwide. Who knows how fast they're able to manufacture new machines, but it can't be enough to cope with that kind of widespread destruction of forces.

What concerns me is that numerous reports seem to indicate that the US is advising Ukraine to pull out of the city but the Ukrainians continue to insist that they can and will hold it. Some reports indicate an orderly withdrawal is underway; others that reinforcements are still being sent into the city. What's really going on there?
IMO, these kinds of reports too unreliable to take very seriously - even if it's true that the US advisors have been saying this, for all we know it could just be an intel operation to draw in more Russian/Wagner units for summary destruction. I have a feeling that we're not going to know for sure until we know, if you get my meaning.
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