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Old 04-03-2023, 11:35 PM
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Watching more than a few videos of urban combat in Ukraine (in Bakhmut especially) it's been interesting watching RPGs in action. Not to minimize the actual fighting there but the use of RPGs has mirrored how I've used/seen them used in T2K. The bad guys are holed in something/somewhere resistant to small arms. Out comes the RPG to soften them up so the good guys can get unpinned. The RPG operator takes cover to reload and then takes more shots as needed.

Prior to that I'd mostly only ever seen videos of them used by insurgent types. The insurgent uses seemed a lot more uncontrolled or inaccurate. Like if someone handed me an RPG and told me to shoot it at an oncoming tank. The results would not be impressive. Not to say insurgents never effectively use RPGs, it's just been interesting to see so much footage of what seems like effective use of them.
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