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Old 06-16-2009, 03:20 PM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by General Pain
Looking at the global political s(h)ituation today, I can't help but think that there are many plausible scenarios that easily could escalate into full-blown war.

North Korea
Global Terrorism
Shortage of drinking water in 3rd. world contries

If there are any others I forgot just mention it in answers..

Your thoughts...
When I think of any potential future flashpoints, I can't help but think of last year's Georgia - Russia conflict as an example of a localised conflict that potentially could have spread, particularly if NATO extends membership to Georgia or Ukraine at some point in the future.

Or how about the PRC making a move on Taiwan? Or the Spratly Islands? The Spratlys might not be worth starting WW3 over, but I'd have thought a Chinese move on Taiwan might provoke a US response, which could cause an escalation of the conflict.
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